Thursday, July 28, 2011

My First "Goofy" Giveaway!

All right y'all...I had planned on waiting until Adam's 1 year diabetes anniversary to do my first giveaway, but this one just couldn't wait!

The amazing Roselady over at Diapeepees put me in contact with a media rep for the Lilly Diabetes/Disney collaboration. I mentioned in our email conversation that I have a lot of friends who would love to get their hands on one of the Coco books for their children and asked her when they would be sent out to the pediatric endocrinologists. Well, she responded by saying that they were on their way out, and would I like her to send me some extras for my friends?

Um, YES!! And just to add how wonderful this rep is, she OVERNIGHTED them to me via FedEx!

So, my dear, sweet DOC...I have a giveaway for you. I have FIVE (yes, count 'em, FIVE!) "Coco and Goofy's Goofy Day" books to share with you!

How awesome is that? Thank you Lilly Diabetes and Disney!

Here are the rules:

Leave me a comment before midnight on Sunday, July 31st. Please include your first name. Comments left without a name will be eliminated.
To earn extra entries (post a separate comment for each):

  • Share a link to this contest on Facebook. Then, leave me an additional comment to let me know.
  • Blog about this contest. Then, leave me an additional comment containing a link to your blog.
  • No duplicate comments are allowed. Duplicate comments will be eliminated.
  • Winners will be selected via random draw at
  • Winners' names will be posted here on this blog on Monday, August 1st.
  • After winners' names are posted, winners will have 48 hours to send a message to me at If I do not hear from a winner within 48 hours, I will select a new winner.


  1. I just posted on fb....hoping I might win! : )

  2. How nice..Thanks for the chance to win. Misty :)

  3. Oh, how AWESOME!!! :)

  4. So Cool! I would love to win :)

  5. I would love to get one of these books for my daughter!!

  6. Wow, that's wonderful! I'd love to give some out around here too! : ) HOlly

  7. We would LOVE to get our hands on one of these!

  8. Oh, I soooo want one! We just watched a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Coco in it...granted she wasn't diabetic but I just said she gets diagnosed later.

  9. We would love for Coco to come and live at our house! Can't wait to get my hands on this book too.

  10. This is so awesome!! So my CDE just got a bunch in and is holding one for me, so no need to enter me in the contest. I don't want to take a book from someone else. Just wanted to comment though and say how cool this giveaway is and what a great rep. to send you so many!

  11. Oh my - I really want one of these for my little monkey!!!

  12. Please, please pick me! "Coco's Coconutty Party" was on this week and when I told Jack about Coco's recent diagnosis, his face lit up and he said "she has diabetes just like me?" When Daniel came home hours later, Jack ran to the door and said "daddy, Coco has diabetes just like me!!!" The look of confusion on Daniels face was hilarious. If I don't win, please send me contact info for how i can get one for Jack. I have to have one. Thanks!

  13. That is awesome!!! I have one- so don't enter me! But YAY!!!

  14. I'd love to win one of these books! So far the kids' books we've found haven't been too great... I'm holding out hope for Coco. :) Amy

  15. Blogged it:


  16. WOW!!! I totally want one of these :)

  17. I would love one for Brianna. Great contest!! Thanks Kelly harp

  18. Our Monkey needs one of these!!!!
