I'm finally able to sit down for a few minutes! Between hosting Thanksgiving for 19, doing Black Friday for the first (and LAST!) time ever, and then getting "Christmas" up in the house this weekend, I've barely had a minute to rest.
So, Dexcom.
Adam's site came out the day after Thanksgiving, so we're done with our trial. I sure hope when we get our own that the sites stick better...the adhesive was coming loose after one bath. And a few wrestling sessions on Thanksgiving didn't help matters. This is what I'm worried about with a pump...I don't mind the Dexcom coming out so much, but a pump site...that is a huge deal.
I really liked the Dexcom. Although, it really made me hate Diabetes even more than I already did. Dexcom made me realize just out out of control we are, after being under the illusion of control.
Um, Novolog? Fast-acting insulin my ASS.
I realize that since we are doing MDI, we are dosing Adam after he eats...but man, to actually see those meal spikes happen in real life after his meals and then having to wait for the insulin to react - it was an eye opener. It made me want a pump yesterday. I know that the pump won't solve everything, but am I wrong in assuming that we won't have as many meal spikes if I can pre-bolus him partially for a meal, then bolus him for the rest when he's done?
I was very happy to see how steady he stayed every night. VERY happy. Levemir rocks and no matter what his bedtime reading was, he always stayed steady in the low 100's all night long.
I wasn't so impressed with how varying the numbers could be between the Dex and his real blood sugar - sometimes there was a 100 pt difference when he was high. For example, Dex would say he was 350, and in reality he was like 260. But the gap closed when he was lower, which was good.
I don't know...I'm just pissed that this is all so hard. I want a break and I feel horrible for complaining because Adam doesn't get a break and will never get a break for the rest of his life.
Overall, I give the Dex a thumbs up and I feel kind of naked without it now, especially at night. We should have one of our own sometime this week, though, so we don't have to wait that long!